Oral Cancer Detection and Screenings, Let Us Help You Prevent Oral Cancer

oral cancer screening walnut grove langley

There’s more to protecting our oral health and our smile than semi-annual dental cleanings and checkups. One thing to consider is the threat and prevention of oral cancer. The challenge associated with oral cancer is that it often goes unnoticed, when early detection is critical. Thankfully, oral cancer screenings are now quick, simple and pain-free. At JVR Dental, our team of experts uses VELscope technology to screen for pathological lesions and mouth sores that can relate to oral cancer. Not only is it important to to learn about what oral cancer screening is, but it’s equally as important to understand how the process works.


At JVR Dental, an oral cancer screening is when our team of experts looks to detect the early stages of oral cancer, even though symptoms have often not yet been reported by the patient. Don’t be alarmed if your doctor or dentist recommends an oral cancer screening. It is often recommended as a precautionary measure to help prevent oral cancer.


At JVR Dental, we use award-winning technology known as VEL scope® Vx Enhanced Oral Assessment System for the enhanced visualization of oral mucosal abnormalities. This technology has been recognized by the World Health Organization and used by over 15,000 dental practitioners worldwide on over 25 million examinations. VEL scope technology is a small, wireless, handheld scope that uses natural tissue fluorescence to detect early signs of oral cancer. The benefit of this technology is that it is able to identify oral mucous abnormalities that will often go overlooked by the human eye.

Let the experts at JVR Dental help you prevent oral cancer with our oral cancer detection and screening systems. Still have questions? We’re here to help. To learn more about our oral cancer detection and screenings and whether or not it’s right for you, please contact us or book an appointment today.