Choosing the right family dentist in Langley can make a world of difference when it comes your family’s and your own oral healthcare.
At JVR Dental in Walnut Grove, we understand how important proper oral care is. That is why we offer a wide range of dental services, including pediatric dentistry. If you are looking for a family dentist in Langley, here are some tips on how to choose the right dentist for your family’s needs.
1. Look for Reviews and Referrals
Referrals and reviews can say a lot about a dentist and their dental services. Before choosing a family dentist, it is important to ask around about the dentists under consideration in order to get a better idea of their reputation. Consider talking to friends and family member about their dentists and what they like about their dental services.
2. Research the Dental Services Provided
Since not all dental offices offer the same dental services, it is important to find out what each office offers before choosing a new family dentist. All dental offices should offer basic services, such as dental cleaning, check-ups, and dental fillings, but not all dentists offer more specialized services. Consider any dental services that you and your family members might require and find out if they are offered by your top picks.
3. Find Out Their Professional Qualifications
No matter what type of dentist you are looking for, make sure that you are choosing a dentist with great professional qualifications. Doing so will not only provide you with peace of mind but also confidence in the way your oral healthcare is being treated. A great family dentist will be happy to answer any nagging questions about their professional experience that you might have.
4. Find Out if They Take Your Dental Insurance
While you are in the process of finding a new family dentist, make sure that each dentist under consideration falls under your coverage and will work with your insurance. Dentists that do not work with your insurance can easily be crossed off the list of potential candidates. Finding a family dentist that falls under your coverage can help keep dental bills low for the entire family.
5. Schedule a Consultation
One of the best ways to find out if a family dentist is the right fit is to schedule a consultation. Taking the time to visit different practices will allow you to get a better feel for the office and its staff members. Make sure that you and your family members are comfortable and happy with the dental office before making a final decision.

If you would like to learn more about choosing the right family dentist in Langley, or if you are interested in one of our dental services (generic dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, and pediatric dentistry), please contact JVR Dental at 604-371-3138 or by filling out a form on our website.