Proper pediatric dental care is an important part of ensuring the overall oral health of children from their infancy all the way through their teen years. That is why JVR Dental offers a range of pediatric dental care services in Walnut Grove that are perfect for kids of all ages.
What is a Pediatric Dentist?
Pediatric dentists are highly trained and experienced in providing proper oral healthcare services to children of all ages. All pediatric dentists undergo four years of dental school plus an additional two-year residency training in dentistry for infants, children, teens, and children with special needs in order to ensure that they are qualified to care for a child’s teeth, gums, and mouth throughout the various stages of childhood.
The Importance of Pediatric Dental Care Services
Proper dental care can help prevent children from having to deal with possible oral decay and diseases that can lead to a lifetime of pain and complications. Pediatric dentists in Walnut Grove are properly trained to provide dental care to both a child’s baby teeth and permanent teeth and can help prevent your children from experiencing early tooth decay.
Types of Pediatric Dental Care Services
Some of the different pediatric dental care services that can be provided to Walnut Grove patients include:
- Infant oral health exams, including a risk assessment for caries in both the mother and child.
- Preventative dental care, including cleaning and fluoride treatments, as well as recommendations for your child’s nutrition and diet.
- Habit counseling on how to deal with common childhood habits, such as pacifier use and thumb sucking.
- Orthodontics for straightening crooked teeth and improving an improper bite.
- Repair of tooth cavities and defects.
- Diagnosis of oral conditions associated with diseases like diabetes, congenital heart defect, asthma, hay fever, and ADHD.
- Management of gum diseases and conditions such as ulcers and pediatric periodontal disease.
- Care for dental injures such as fractured, displaced, or knocked-out teeth.

Pediatric Dental Care Tips
A pediatric dentist will also be able to provide you with expert tips on how to properly take care of your children’s teeth at home. This advice typically covers the proper way to floss and brush your child’s teeth based on the specific condition of your child’s teeth. Your Walnut Grove dentist may also provide recommendations on your child’s eating habits and how you can better protect your child’s gums and teeth.
If you would like to learn more about our pediatric dental care services in Walnut Grove, please get in touch with the dental professionals from JVR Dental today by calling 604-371-3138 or by filling out a contact form on our website.